Congrats to the Goodreads Giveaway Winners!

My thanks to everyone that signed up on for the Giveaway. Nine winners were chosen by Goodreads to receive autographed copies of A Date with Fate or Courted by Karma. Lucky winners, your signed paperbacks will soon be mailed out, so keep an eye out for a package in the next ten days from me! I'd love to hear back from you after you've read the books. =)

Follow my blog or like me on FB to be notified of future book releases, giveaways, or contest opportunities to win prizes.

Here's to a fun summer full of sunshine, good times and good friends, and great books!

Free eBook Download--One Day Only! Saturday 5/18/13

I’m offering A Date with Fate, the first volume in The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod series, as a FREE eBook download on Amazon.

It’s one day only--Saturday, May 18 2013.

Click on this link to get your free copy. Please share with your friends!

 Freebie Download: Kindle/eBook



If you enjoyed reading A Date with Fate, be sure and check out Volume II in the Adventures of Anabel Axelrod series, Courted by Karma.  Thank you and Happy Reading!


Win Signed Copies of My Trade Paperbacks!

I'm offering autographed trade paperback editions of

A Date with Fate


Courted by Karma


Sign up for your chance to win through May 21st, 2013.

Follow the links below and Good Luck!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

A Date with Fate by Tracy Ellen

A Date with Fate

by Tracy Ellen

Giveaway ends May 21, 2013.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.


Enter to win

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Courted by Karma by Tracy Ellen

Courted by Karma

by Tracy Ellen

Giveaway ends May 21, 2013.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.


Enter to win


Goodreads Giveaway of Courted by Karma

Hi Everybody, I'm giving away five autographed trade paperbacks of Courted by Karma at

For your chance to be a winner, follow the link below. In the meantime, I'm writing my little heart out on Book Three in The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod series. Thanks for your support!

Tracy Ellen

p.s. If any of the chosen winners of the Goodreads Giveaway have signed up to follow my blog, I'm also sending them an autographed trade copy of A Date with Fate. (These two books get lonely without each other.)

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Courted by Karma by Tracy Ellen

Courted by Karma

by Tracy Ellen

Giveaway ends May 21, 2013.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.


Enter to win


"Love is in the Air" GIVEAWAY RUNS THROUGH APRIL 9th!

The sleepover interview and chat to celebrate Courted by Karma publication at the Up All Night book blog was a riot. Amber knows how to have fun. Thanks Amber for hosting, and thanks to everyone that came to hang out. XO! If you didn't get a chance to stop by, you can still enter the giveaway for your chance to win a Kindle Paperwhite 6" through April 9th.

Click on the link to peek at our interview and girl talk at the sleepover. Don't forget to sign up to win my paperback books or the Kindle. I wish you good luck! UpAllNightBookBlog logo





Spring is in the air and so is Romance...and Sleepovers!

Spring is a time of year I love. It makes me want to do a special Giveaway. To celebrate my new contemporary romance, Courted by Karma, and for all your help spreading the love about my books, I am offering a Grand Prize of a Kindle Paperwhite, 6"! kindlepaperwhiteimage


The Up All Night Book Blog!

UpAllNightBookBlog logo      

Amber has invited me (and you) over for a SlEEPOVER (!) to kick-off the publication of Courted by Karma. I can't wait! I don't know about you, but it's been too long since I've had a fun girly-girl sleepover. (Hmmm...does that sound as strange as I think it does?)


Come join us this Friday night, March 29, at Midnight EST (techincally Saturday morning). Help spread the word about my books. Sign up for your chance to win signed trade paperbacks and the Grand Prize of a Kindle Paperwhite, 6"!

I'm also offering my first book in this series, A Date with Fate, as a freebie eBook download on Friday-Saturday-Sunday, March 29th-31st.


Check out the link above to the Up All Night Book Blog for more details. I'm sure you can sign up for the special Giveaway anytime next week, but I hope all you night owls out there stop by the sleepover late Friday night! ;D


I am back at it again and looking for Volunteers in all the wrong places!

After completing the writing of Courted by Karma on March 3rd, and then completing the frenzy of last minute editing and formatting to submit the manuscript for eBook and paperback publishing, I was bushed. My plan was to take at least a month off. First, I deflated the blow-up doll of myself that I'd used to fool everyone into believing I really WAS in the room all along these last three months. Then I reminded certain 3D people that I really DO still exist (like my husband). Well, that didn't take too long, and after a three-day bender of drunken drepavity, (wait, that was in my head and not in real life, dammit.), I am rarin' to go!

Book Three in The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod series is about to begin commencing.

If you are a reader interested in joining my editing team and have some fun pointing out everything I do wrong, reply below or check out the page "Volunteers Wanted! Sign up here."

**Please, no editing experience is needed. Just a love of books, indie authors, and being bossed around by a short woman with a Mrs. Napoleon complex. (I know! I have no clue who she is either, but somehow, Mrs. N. has my email password!)

Tracy Ellen at the The Book Tart Blog: GIVEAWAY March 15-22!


To the Birthday Party of Courted by Karma

I am at The Book Tart Blog on Friday, March 15th. It is My Turn and the Couch is on the other foot!  Come read my interview of Queen Kat---she's wild and fun!  <grin>

The GiveAway contest is GREAT and runs from March 15-22. Stop by Queen Kat's blog anytime during this week and sign up! (link below)


TWO Fun Events Beginning Friday, March 15th!

A Date with Fate, the first book in The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod series will be offered Friday-Sunday, March 15-17 for a FREE eBook download on


I'll be appearing on The Book Tart Blog for another fun interview with Queen Kat to kick off a great GIVEAWAY on Friday, March 15th. But this time the couch is on the other foot!

Come sign up for a chance to win some presents! There will be eBooks gifts of Courted by Karma, sets of autographed paperback editions of A Date with Fate and Courted by Karma, and an amazon gift card for one really lucky winner! 

Put Friday the 15th on your calendar to stop by at and I'll see you there!

Frontcover-021913-13-978-1480065956    coverart-ebook-kdp-pub-020513

A Date with Fate: Kindle/eBook       Courted byKarma:  Kindle/ebook

Courted by Karma--The Next Adventure!


Available for purchase at  March 12, 2013


...and so is Luke Drake!

First it was Her Turn. Now it is His Turn.

Anabel’s life has gone from sizzling to red hot! Can she handle the heat?

Courted by Karma is the second volume in The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod and picks up where A Date with Fate left us hanging--Tuesday night at 11:59 PM.

After her last crazy few days, Anabel’s hell bent on having nothing but a good time during the traditional upcoming Axelrod Women Weekend. Cousin Layla and some friends are flying in from Florida for a visit. Despite Chief Jack’s warning not to call him this year if they end up in jail again, the women plan to rock the town!

But first our girl has to survive some Russians, some Mexicans, some Parents, Thanksgiving, and her biggest challenge ever…Luke Drake.

And Mr. Secretive has plans of his own.

Will it ever be Our Turn for Luke and Anabel, or is it her karma to get burned by the smokin’ hot flames?



A Date with Fate--Freebie eBook Download March 2-3!


A Date with Fate: Kindle/eBook 

A Date with Fate is being offered as a free eBook download on amazon this Saturday and Sunday, March 2 and 3!

After you read A Date with Fate, be sure and look for Volume II in The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod, Courted by Karma, being published for purchase next week!

If you have the opportunity, I am thankful for reviews posted on amazon or goodreads. Or connect with me here--I love comments from fellow readers.

Happy Reading, Tracy


Frontcover-021913-13-978-1480065956         coverart-ebook-kdp-pub-020513

Anabel's Back...

...and  her life is getting too hot to handle!

Available in March 2013


Courted by Karma is the second volume in The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod and picks up where A Date with Fate left us hanging...Tuesday night at 11:59 and the doorbell's ringing!

After her last crazy few days, Anabel's hell-bent on having nothing but a good time during the upcoming Axelrod Women Weekend. Cousin Layla and some friends are flying in from Florida to visit and the girls plan to rock the town!

But first Anabel has to survive Thanksgiving, and Luke Drake.



Frontcover-021913-13-978-1480065956      coverart-ebook-kdp-pub-020513 

A Date with Fate can be purchased through and CreateSpace, an Amazon affiliate. Look for Courted by Karma in March 2013!

A Date with Fate:       Paperback

A Date with Fate: Kindle/eBook

Bad Boy vs. Good Boy Valentine's Week Event

Bad Boy vs Good Boy

Luke Drake, the hero from A Date with Fate, The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod was invited to participate in a Valentine's week event. He was interviewed and tells what he thinks about Valentine's Day, women, and what he'd like to whisper in your ear on a special date.

Come read Luke's interview on Wednesday, 2/11/13. Give your vote on the hottest Bad Boy vs. Good Boy...and sign up to win all sorts of goodies in the giveaways. The Grand Prize is a $40 gift card! Follow the link above to read about the entire Blog Hop Event.


Tracy Ellen


A Date with Fate is available for purchase through and CreateSpace, an Amazon affiliate. Look for Volume II in The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod, Courted by Karma in March 2013!

A Date with Fate:       Paperback

A Date with Fate: Kindle/eBook

Inspiration From Arizona

Recently, I received the following pictures from a new friend and volunteer editor helping with my current book, Courted by Karma. She thought I may find them inspiring for a couple of reasons and I'm interested if anyone agrees...

The first picture is to inspire me to write faster while picturing this destination. Also, she's hoping it will prevent me from feeling envy that she lives in Arizona and I live in the Arctic Wasteland.

(She didn't want me to feel bad when telling me that her weekend was all about wearing shorts and going hiking.  I hurried to assure her not to feel one bit guilty on my account. Heck, I was wearing shorts that very minute and would be doing quite a bit of hiking myself. Granted, it was indoors in my home while I wandered from room to room thinking about what I was writing, but I DO climb the walls every now and then. That counts, right? Plus, there's the added bonus of not having to shave my legs since the first snow.)

*BONUS TIP OF THE WEEK* If you live in an Arctic Wasteland, men are quite used to seeing women with legs hairier than their own from November through March. I've heard some men even prefer this hirsute, northern-girl look. This makes sense when you think about it. If there's men that enjoy running their hands through your hair on your head, only think how happy they'll be doing the same thing up and down your legs! This is often considered the Minnesota winter version of a couple's hike.

Beach Inspiration

The second picture below was sent to inspire me to write faster, and to inspire about Anabel and Luke with another lovely visual. She wanted to let me know how she envisions Luke to look while she's reading.  She sent three pictures of this vision, actually, and I loved her inspiration so much that I will be getting caught up on Trueblood episodes in the very near future...

Luke Inspiration1

Thanks, Miss Arizona! Consider me inspired. :)

A Big "Thank You" to The Book Enthusiast Blog!

Debra at The Book Enthusiast blog is such a nice woman and writes great, thorough reviews. She was kind enough to read and review A Date with Fate on amazon, goodreads, and her cool blog. I enjoyed her take on Anabel and Luke immensely! Debra is also hosting a GIVEAWAY for an autographed copy of my book at The Book Enthusiast. It's running for 3 more days, through February 8th. Click the link below to sign yourself up!

This blog attracted me from the first glance. I told Debra I wanted to go into the bookstore she has displayed in The Book Enthusiast's banner in the worst way. It looks like a bookstore you could lose yourself in finding all sorts of reading treasures. (What I didn't tell her is that I also imagined it looks like a store a girl could be captured in and never let out, as she's tortured by an incredibly hot man that also loves books...)

*Big Grin* THANK YOU FOR THE REVIEW, DEBRA! This Indie Author really appreciates your love and dedication to books.

Here is the direct link to the blog post:

The Reading Corner 125 Likes Giveaway

Up All Night Book Blog is hosting a giveaway that includes my book, A Date with Fate.  Check it out through February 8th! Sign up to win a signed paperback copy. (See details and link below.)



The Reading Corner's 125 Like Giveaway In celebration of my Facebook page reaching 125 likes, I am giving one winner the following books:

A Date with Fate(The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod) by Tracy Ellen (signed paperback copy)

Lost to You by A.L. Jackson (Kindle eBook)

Rush(Breathless #1) by Maya Banks (Kindle eBook)

I have decided to mix it up with the books. A Date with Fate is one of my favorite books. The other two I haven’t even read yet. Lost to You comes out on 1/31/13. From the ARC reviews it looks like A.L. Jackson has riveted her fans again! Rush comes out on 2/5/13. Again, the ARC reviews look promising for this new book! If you wish to read about each book, just click on the name of the book to head over to Goodreads! Please, no one under the age of 18 for this giveaway. Just click the link below to enter this giveaway!

A Sneak Preview of "Courted by Karma"

Courted by KarmaThe Adventures of Anabel Axelrod (Volume Two)

by Tracy Ellen

 For a sneak preview of Chapters One and Two

click on

"Courted by Karma: Sample Chapters" on the page menu

Coming Soon in 2013!


*A note from Tracy Ellen--

This is a work in progress. There may be changes/edits before publishing. Projected release date for Courted by Karma is February 28, 2013  (barring any unforseen circumstances or a zombie apocalypse)  

Comments Welcome!


Tuesday was spent hanging at Queen Kat's castle in Tartlandia at The Book Tart blog. It was incredibly fun doing my first author nterview on her virtual couch. To Queen Kat and her court-Page of Tarts, Baron of Books, and La Revenant, and to all the Readers, Family, and Friends that came and wished me well--*Blows a Kiss* THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

There's a contest running until Dec 24th for an autographed paperback of A Date with Fate. Want to check out The Book Tart blog and my interview, review, vlog, and sign up for the contest?

Here's the link:

A Chat with Queen Kat on Her Virtual Couch

Hey there, Everyone! I will be couching it with Queen Kat on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18th! (Click on HOME)

This is only my first interview so don't quote me on this, but I have a sneaking suspicion it's not your normal interview...

You're invited to stop by and chat or just say "Hi!" at The Book Tart blog anytime throughout the day. Be sure to sign up to win an autographed copy of A Date with Fate (The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod).

Hope to see you there, and remember the most important thing: getting dressed is optional for virtual couching!