Recently, I received the following pictures from a new friend and volunteer editor helping with my current book, Courted by Karma.
She thought I may find them inspiring for a couple of reasons and I'm interested if anyone agrees...
The first picture is to inspire me to write faster while picturing this destination. Also, she's hoping it will prevent me from feeling envy that she lives in Arizona and I live in the Arctic Wasteland.
(She didn't want me to feel bad when telling me that her weekend was all about wearing shorts and going hiking. I hurried to assure her not to feel one bit guilty on my account. Heck, I was wearing shorts that very minute and would be doing quite a bit of hiking myself. Granted, it was indoors in my home while I wandered from room to room thinking about what I was writing, but I DO climb the walls every now and then. That counts, right? Plus, there's the added bonus of not having to shave my legs since the first snow.)
*BONUS TIP OF THE WEEK* If you live in an Arctic Wasteland, men are quite used to seeing women with legs hairier than their own from November through March. I've heard some men even prefer this hirsute, northern-girl look. This makes sense when you think about it. If there's men that enjoy running their hands through your hair on your head, only think how happy they'll be doing the same thing up and down your legs! This is often considered the Minnesota winter version of a couple's hike.
The second picture below was sent to inspire me to write faster, and to inspire about Anabel and Luke with another lovely visual. She wanted to let me know how she envisions Luke to look while she's reading. She sent three pictures of this vision, actually, and I loved her inspiration so much that I will be getting caught up on Trueblood episodes in the very near future...
Thanks, Miss Arizona! Consider me inspired. :)