After completing the writing of Courted by Karma on March 3rd, and then completing the frenzy of last minute editing and formatting to submit the manuscript for eBook and paperback publishing, I was bushed. My plan was to take at least a month off. First, I deflated the blow-up doll of myself that I'd used to fool everyone into believing I really WAS in the room all along these last three months. Then I reminded certain 3D people that I really DO still exist (like my husband). Well, that didn't take too long, and after a three-day bender of drunken drepavity, (wait, that was in my head and not in real life, dammit.), I am rarin' to go!
Book Three in The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod series is about to begin commencing.
If you are a reader interested in joining my editing team and have some fun pointing out everything I do wrong, reply below or check out the page "Volunteers Wanted! Sign up here."
**Please, no editing experience is needed. Just a love of books, indie authors, and being bossed around by a short woman with a Mrs. Napoleon complex. (I know! I have no clue who she is either, but somehow, Mrs. N. has my email password!)