A Big "Thank You" to The Book Enthusiast Blog!

Debra at The Book Enthusiast blog is such a nice woman and writes great, thorough reviews. She was kind enough to read and review A Date with Fate on amazon, goodreads, and her cool blog. I enjoyed her take on Anabel and Luke immensely! Debra is also hosting a GIVEAWAY for an autographed copy of my book at The Book Enthusiast. It's running for 3 more days, through February 8th. Click the link below to sign yourself up!

This blog attracted me from the first glance. I told Debra I wanted to go into the bookstore she has displayed in The Book Enthusiast's banner in the worst way. It looks like a bookstore you could lose yourself in finding all sorts of reading treasures. (What I didn't tell her is that I also imagined it looks like a store a girl could be captured in and never let out, as she's tortured by an incredibly hot man that also loves books...)

*Big Grin* THANK YOU FOR THE REVIEW, DEBRA! This Indie Author really appreciates your love and dedication to books.

Here is the direct link to the blog post: http://thebookenthusiast.net/2013/02/04/autographed-copy-of-a-date-with-fate-by-tracy-ellen/