Bad Boy vs. Good Boy Valentine's Week Event

Bad Boy vs Good Boy

Luke Drake, the hero from A Date with Fate, The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod was invited to participate in a Valentine's week event. He was interviewed and tells what he thinks about Valentine's Day, women, and what he'd like to whisper in your ear on a special date.

Come read Luke's interview on Wednesday, 2/11/13. Give your vote on the hottest Bad Boy vs. Good Boy...and sign up to win all sorts of goodies in the giveaways. The Grand Prize is a $40 gift card! Follow the link above to read about the entire Blog Hop Event.


Tracy Ellen


A Date with Fate is available for purchase through and CreateSpace, an Amazon affiliate. Look for Volume II in The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod, Courted by Karma in March 2013!

A Date with Fate:       Paperback

A Date with Fate: Kindle/eBook

Inspiration From Arizona

Recently, I received the following pictures from a new friend and volunteer editor helping with my current book, Courted by Karma. She thought I may find them inspiring for a couple of reasons and I'm interested if anyone agrees...

The first picture is to inspire me to write faster while picturing this destination. Also, she's hoping it will prevent me from feeling envy that she lives in Arizona and I live in the Arctic Wasteland.

(She didn't want me to feel bad when telling me that her weekend was all about wearing shorts and going hiking.  I hurried to assure her not to feel one bit guilty on my account. Heck, I was wearing shorts that very minute and would be doing quite a bit of hiking myself. Granted, it was indoors in my home while I wandered from room to room thinking about what I was writing, but I DO climb the walls every now and then. That counts, right? Plus, there's the added bonus of not having to shave my legs since the first snow.)

*BONUS TIP OF THE WEEK* If you live in an Arctic Wasteland, men are quite used to seeing women with legs hairier than their own from November through March. I've heard some men even prefer this hirsute, northern-girl look. This makes sense when you think about it. If there's men that enjoy running their hands through your hair on your head, only think how happy they'll be doing the same thing up and down your legs! This is often considered the Minnesota winter version of a couple's hike.

Beach Inspiration

The second picture below was sent to inspire me to write faster, and to inspire about Anabel and Luke with another lovely visual. She wanted to let me know how she envisions Luke to look while she's reading.  She sent three pictures of this vision, actually, and I loved her inspiration so much that I will be getting caught up on Trueblood episodes in the very near future...

Luke Inspiration1

Thanks, Miss Arizona! Consider me inspired. :)

A Big "Thank You" to The Book Enthusiast Blog!

Debra at The Book Enthusiast blog is such a nice woman and writes great, thorough reviews. She was kind enough to read and review A Date with Fate on amazon, goodreads, and her cool blog. I enjoyed her take on Anabel and Luke immensely! Debra is also hosting a GIVEAWAY for an autographed copy of my book at The Book Enthusiast. It's running for 3 more days, through February 8th. Click the link below to sign yourself up!

This blog attracted me from the first glance. I told Debra I wanted to go into the bookstore she has displayed in The Book Enthusiast's banner in the worst way. It looks like a bookstore you could lose yourself in finding all sorts of reading treasures. (What I didn't tell her is that I also imagined it looks like a store a girl could be captured in and never let out, as she's tortured by an incredibly hot man that also loves books...)

*Big Grin* THANK YOU FOR THE REVIEW, DEBRA! This Indie Author really appreciates your love and dedication to books.

Here is the direct link to the blog post:

The Reading Corner 125 Likes Giveaway

Up All Night Book Blog is hosting a giveaway that includes my book, A Date with Fate.  Check it out through February 8th! Sign up to win a signed paperback copy. (See details and link below.)



The Reading Corner's 125 Like Giveaway In celebration of my Facebook page reaching 125 likes, I am giving one winner the following books:

A Date with Fate(The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod) by Tracy Ellen (signed paperback copy)

Lost to You by A.L. Jackson (Kindle eBook)

Rush(Breathless #1) by Maya Banks (Kindle eBook)

I have decided to mix it up with the books. A Date with Fate is one of my favorite books. The other two I haven’t even read yet. Lost to You comes out on 1/31/13. From the ARC reviews it looks like A.L. Jackson has riveted her fans again! Rush comes out on 2/5/13. Again, the ARC reviews look promising for this new book! If you wish to read about each book, just click on the name of the book to head over to Goodreads! Please, no one under the age of 18 for this giveaway. Just click the link below to enter this giveaway!

A Sneak Preview of "Courted by Karma"

Courted by KarmaThe Adventures of Anabel Axelrod (Volume Two)

by Tracy Ellen

 For a sneak preview of Chapters One and Two

click on

"Courted by Karma: Sample Chapters" on the page menu

Coming Soon in 2013!


*A note from Tracy Ellen--

This is a work in progress. There may be changes/edits before publishing. Projected release date for Courted by Karma is February 28, 2013  (barring any unforseen circumstances or a zombie apocalypse)  

Comments Welcome!


Tuesday was spent hanging at Queen Kat's castle in Tartlandia at The Book Tart blog. It was incredibly fun doing my first author nterview on her virtual couch. To Queen Kat and her court-Page of Tarts, Baron of Books, and La Revenant, and to all the Readers, Family, and Friends that came and wished me well--*Blows a Kiss* THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

There's a contest running until Dec 24th for an autographed paperback of A Date with Fate. Want to check out The Book Tart blog and my interview, review, vlog, and sign up for the contest?

Here's the link:

A Chat with Queen Kat on Her Virtual Couch

Hey there, Everyone! I will be couching it with Queen Kat on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18th! (Click on HOME)

This is only my first interview so don't quote me on this, but I have a sneaking suspicion it's not your normal interview...

You're invited to stop by and chat or just say "Hi!" at The Book Tart blog anytime throughout the day. Be sure to sign up to win an autographed copy of A Date with Fate (The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod).

Hope to see you there, and remember the most important thing: getting dressed is optional for virtual couching!

Happy Holidays To You!

Anabel asked that Santa slip a little something in your stocking a few days early... A Date with Fate (The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod)  will be offered for a freebie eBook download for one day on, December 14, 2012.

Unless you think it's a lump of coal, please let her know on amazon if you liked your present.



A Fun Night In Northfield

I couldn't say anything in advance because it was a secret and I needed to keep it cool, but I was invited tonight to be the surprise guest at a Book Club/Xmas party in Northfield. The club had decided to read my book as their next pick. They loved the idea it was set in their town. They all had no clue the woman throwing the party had secretly emailed me and asked me to join them. I didn't know any of the women except Connie, the hostess and I was a little nervous since I'd only met her a couple of times and it was years ago. I was also very excited. I can't think of anything more fun that meeting a group of women readers. Connie was impressed with herself that she was able to keep quiet and not tell, tempting as it was. All women can sympathize over how hard that must have been!

It was planned I'd arrive later after everyone else. The house was twinkling with vintage Christmas decorations in every corner, inside and out. (Connie's amazing gardens have been featured in a national magazine spread. I've never seen a bigger, greener thumb on a person in my life.)  The girls were all settled in with vodka cranberries in festive hi-ball glasses.

The surprise was a huge hit. Connie answered the door and with my book in her hand, led me into the room.

She said, "Look who is here, everyone!" and held up my book.

At first, there was dead silence since nobody knew me from Adam, but then one of the women, Carla started jumping up and down. She had already begun my book and recognized me. Then everyone was exclaiming and talking at once.

Another hilarious lady, Deborah immediately wailed, "WTH? Connie, you got the AUTHOR to come to our club? How am I ever gonna top that when it's my turn?!"

I needn't have been nervous--the minute I walked into the living room and saw the table filled with delectable foods, bottles of wine, and a cupcake tree filled with swirling buttercream, I knew the evening had great possibilities. ;}

After awhile of chatting and getting to know one another, talking books and favorite authors, I think the ice was broken for good when the subject of food labeling came up. I shared that sometimes when "raspberry flavoring" is listed as an ingredient on a package label you need to be careful as it could be beaver juice. (From the castor sacs of the North American beaver, to be precise. Not that they knew that from the way I said it....Once THAT was cleared up, the fun never stopped.) Of course, Sue, the engineer and sci-fi/fantasylover stated the questions I've always wondered, "Who was the first person that decided North American beaver juice from down under would make a good additive to food as raspberry flavoring, and what on earth were they doing down there?" 

How can you not have a good time when sharing horrifying tidbits like that at a book club/Xmas party?

I really enjoyed crashing my first book club. The women-Connie, Deborah, Kathy, Sue and Carla were all fun as hell and have been friends for over twenty years. How neat is that?

Personally, I don't think Deborah is going to be able to top Connie's book club party, although a weekend on Lake Superior in her sailboat was mentioned; along with skinnydipping around the Apostle Islands.

Now that is my idea of  chillin' out with the book club...

Thank you so much, Connie, for inviting me. I had a ball making my first public  "author appearance". You are one fantastic hostess!

Tracy Ellen

Guess What?

I've been invited by The Queen of Tarts at The Book Tart blog to chat on her virtual couch! Can you believe it?!

I'm not even going to try to pretend I'm not thrilled, or that I know what the heck I am doing on this couch.

I haven't gone and checked out the real virtual couch yet, I'm having too good of a time imagining how it will be in my head. I'm picturing lolling around with the Queen in our nightgowns with our hair down. We'll share amusing  anecedotes about the ups and downs of ruling our kingdoms while smoking something exotic from a gem-encrusted hookah. We'll sip champagne from  crystal flutes, giggle when the bubbles tickle our noses, and wear each other's crowns. And rings. I'm sure at some point we'll eat cake and jump on the couch.

And guess what else?

My guest author appearance to be interviewed on The Book Tart blog is on my birthday!

Come jump with us on December 18th at

If you're not down with jumping, please stop by The Book Tart anyway on this day and lend me some of your moral support. (It's no secret I could seriously use some morals, plus I'm shy,dammit. I can't do this stuff alone.)

Why Men Invented Sleeping Pills and...

...Why I Should Eat a Handful Quite Regularly... I woke up at four a.m. this morning and thought, “Hmmm, if I’m not sleepy why not have some fun?”

Giving my peacefully sleeping partner a rare break, I slipped out of bed and decided fun in this instance was planning the menu for a dinner party/game night/sleepover shindig I’m having this weekend.  Absorbingly engrossing as menus and grocery lists are; my mind wandered to the comments flying back and forth on my Amazon page over the last couple days.  A Date with Fate recently received a two -star and then one-star review. Both reviews promoted some lively, unexpected discussions in the comments section due to the POV’s of three reviewers.

One of the results of this flurry was to make me think about the words used to describe books, what the terms mean to different people, and why they are necessary as guideposts for story choices for some readers.

Take the word TRILOGY, for example.

It was vexing me to contemplate I may be forced to write one of these triangular tales against my weak will. I don’t much like the word trilogy from an aesthetic viewpoint, nor do I much like odd numbers; they’re bullies. Odd numbers remind me of two women sharing a “WTF?” look over what the third is saying, even thought the third can plainly see the two doing this and thinks, “Well, that wasn’t very nice!” The third then texts their fourth, who couldn’t be there, that the two “WTFer’s” are acting like a couple of mean B’s. It is never a win/win with the odd numbers.  Nor do I like the inferred concept in trilogies of beginning-middle-end. The books too often reflect this sequential formula in the contents of what is written. They came, and they napped, and they left.

I like the even numbers—they’re exciting and energetic!  “Hello, what do you say the two of us get together for dinner and you can buy breakfast?” or “Hey, the four of us should go downtown and cause some trouble!” or “Let’s round up sixty people and rent a castle with dungeons to play Hide ‘n  Seek in the dark for a week!”

The one bad thing about even numbers is poor, pitiful number eight. I could strangle “OctopussyMom” and “Ass and Kate plus 8”, or going wayyy back, “My God, Eight is Enough, all ready!” for ruining a perfectly good even number. I also decided, as I looked over my herbs and spices on hand for cooking, I enjoy parallel lines and rectangles, or the best yet, the beautiful SQUARE.

Remember the game Four Square? The game Four Square has to be the best playground game ever invented on the planet. (Other than the game I invented from necessity when obsessed with playing Four Square. My game was played behind the building at the park where we played Four Square. It required some finesse. The object was to get the malingering boys off their butts and in line to play. It went something like, Tracy says, “You show me yours now, and if you can beat me at Four Square, that girl over there will show you hers later.” The Malingerer, being a natural show-off, promptly agrees. The finesse part was making sure I didn’t lose, or that I could run faster than any Malingerer or Girls Over There.)  It’s always a win/win with the even numbers.

So, that was one E-normous problem resolved in my life by 4:04 AM on the microwave clock this happy day in November. I am left with no logical choice but to ditch the Trilogy of Terror idea and make “The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod” an ongoing two, four, or sixty-volume saga.

The HEA part is going to be a more difficult problem. I’ll have to ponder longer over a café au lait. Unless, (a snap of the fingers), I change the very root meaning of the acronym!  Happily-Ever-After is now to be officially known as Happily-Enjoying-Anabel.

“Hmmm, I wonder if that is considered pulling a fast one...”

 I might have to take that idea behind the castle for some finessing.

A Date with Fate is a FREE download this weekend!

A Date with Fate (The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod) eBook/kindle version will be offered for a FREE download on this weekend on Saturday 11/24/12 and Sunday 11/25/12. Check it out and tell your friends.

This is in appreciation (pity party) for all the lovely (insane) people out there I relate to…The people happily cooking (slaving) away for families and friends by putting on a great (dammit) Thanksgiving Day and a fabulous (expensive) dinner. For those of us smiling (grinning maniacally) and enjoying (tolerating) the relatives little (monstrous) quirks and foibles (freakishness) because we love them (yes, indeed) and this needs to be thought of (chanted) regularly as a reminder (brainwashing) of our blessings (accursedness) throughout the holidays (time of torment).

May I suggest carving (not literally) out some time for you (yes, you)? Perhaps pour yourself a glass of your favorite beverage, (vodka-tall glass), or maybe a warm cup of your favorite bean, (Irish coffee-tall cup), sit down and relax, (horizontally-in bed), and read my book for free? (If you can’t think of anything better to do while doing all of the above.)

If you do read my book (it will make you laugh) and have an opportunity (hear the knock?), please post a quick (two page) review on Amazon, Goodreads, or here on my blog (as a last resort).

Happy Thanksgiving (seriously), Americans (proud to be)!  Let the good times roll (that’s a given)!


Volunteers Wanted!

If you're a person that might find it fun to be involved in the creative process of writing Book Two in Anabel's Adventures, check out my  blog page "Volunteers Wanted--Sign Up Here"

Hello Out There!

I know the names of ten incredibly lucky people in regards to my Book Giveaway…but I’m not tellin’!


Uh-huh. That’s right.

*Ten humans have been chosen to receive a signed

copy of A Date with Fate (The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod) delivered to their mailboxes sometime within the next...

Forty thousand three hundred and twenty minutes.


*I admit this is an assumption on my part and is in no way responsible for me believing the winners of my Giveaway are human, or indeed, even from Earth. This is a book geared towards romantic fantasy versus Sci-fi/Fantasy, so I just figured it was a safe bet. Although, now that you’ve brought it up, I suppose it’s probable there would be some ding-dong aliens out there that don’t understand english. They might get their genres mixed-up and entered my Giveaway in error. In which event, I have made an ass out of you and me, but more me than you, by assuming all readers are english speaking humans and/or all aliens are superior beings that don’t make very human mistakes. I apologize for thinking and shan’t make a habit of it.

So, now that we’ve cleared that issue up, please check my blog for news of future book events and, as always, I wish everyone in the Universe…

Happy Reading!

Tracy Ellen

p.s. If you read this post, please don’t be too frightened to read my book. It’s not my fault what I write.

p.s.s. Should you be an alien winner of my book and feel like I, in some small way, talked smack about aliens; please do not shake my house and remove me from my peaceful bed to perform an anal probe. I am totally not up for that, especially not after the day I had today, and would have to retaliate. That’s how wars start, in case you were wondering.

p.s.s.s. The books were mailed out on Saturday 11/17/12--so be on the lookout for delivery via slow boat from China book rate within seven-ten thousand business days. Thanks again for participating!

Doing My Part For Womankind While Marketing, One Man at a Time....

Recently, I met a very nice twenty-something guy. We were chatting about this and that.  He'd recently been studying in Scotland, a medieval history course, plus he's a journalism major. Well, I LOVE history, especially medieval, and I'm Scottish, so talking history, books, and writing soon followed. He also told me he was single, but not really by choice, so we talked "relationships" a little, too. When he found out I had written and self-published a book, he wanted to know all about it. He said from all the writing he's had to do for journalism, he knows the dedication it takes to write a book. I gave him a brief, sedate spiel about Ms. Anabel that included me waving my arms and jumping up and down. He replied that he'd never read chick lit and I answered that most men don't. I went on to say that's because most men, no matter how smart, are very, very, VERY dumb.

I had to laugh at his expression, but quickly explained myself. I asked him first to think about what he' d been telling me about women and relationships.  I then pointed out that the "Romance" genre was probably the largest, biggest seller of any book genres out there. Men always complain they don't "get" women or know what they want. Knock-knock. There's a zillion roadmaps out there staring men in the face, just begging to tell them exactly what women want and exactly how to give it to them. 

I reminded him that we were having a fun conversation (in case he didn't know) because I like to read what guys like to read, too. To name a few; I love military history, zombie/apocalyptic, legal thrillers, and sci-fi/ fantasy. (Sorry ladies--I'm talking magical fantasy. Think trolls, damsels in distress, and quests, not role-playing sex romps. We're talking men here. They're such prudes when you get down to basics...)

He was nodding slowly, I could see the wheels turning. Such a fun moment. He asked for more specifics of how him reading chick lit would be helpful for a guy. I used my book as an example. Specifically gift-giving.

I asked him to think this concept over. How impressive would you be to a woman you liked if you brought her "a little something" in a gift bag? For absolutely no reason, no special occasion. 

I emphasized to him the totally key thing was making sure whatever was in that gift bag was something HE wanted her to have--NOT what he thought she'd like, but he could care less about.

This gift would be saying he wanted to see her wearing something she'd look hot in, or some scent reminded him of her, or there was somewhere he wanted to take her--depending what he bought, or could afford. I stressed it doesn't have to be expensive. It could be free,  that wasn't what counted. 

What counted and would make the women insane for him (assuming they liked him to begin with, he wasn't a stalker, and he liked insane women), was the attention he was paying to her. It would make her feel beautiful and incredibly desired. He would then be a very, very, VERY happy dumb man.

The smart guy wrote down the name of my book.

A Bedtime Story From a Newbie Author

A question I get asked fairly often is “What’s it like to write a book?” My first answer is, “It’s weird.”

Two things about me:

One--- I am a book whore. I am faithful to no genre. I love ‘em and read ‘em all, but I have to admit; Romance/Chick Lit does hold a special place in my…heart.

Two---I will fight you if you try to take my book.

My biggest physical fight with my second oldest sister was over “Gone with the Wind”. I was eight and she was twelve. It was her book. I was halfway through reading it. She decided she wanted it back.  You just don’t do that to somebody (me) in the middle of a book, it’s unheard of. There was no way in hell I was giving up Rhett Butler without a fight.  We tangled. It was savage. That huge mother of a paperback was torn in half. Hands scratched and bleeding, I took off with my half. I beat her up the stairs to my room and locked myself in. I pushed my dresser in front of the door as a safety precaution and made sure my windows were locked. (I was pretty sure she could fly.)  Ignoring her vicious threats and banging fists, I said a little prayer to the Book Gods and looked down at the mangled half in my hands. YES! To this day, I get a little flutter at the thought of Master Rhett.  

I started messing with writing a book; I think it was last December. It started out as a serious thriller with a serial killer plot.  As I wrote the first chapter, Anabel kept thinking funny thoughts, not taking the situation seriously enough, and being a total smart ass when this guy broke into her home to kill her.

I knew then I had to write chick lit.

When I was told that people reading reviews on your books don’t take families or friends reviews seriously because they are partial to the author, I was so jealous. I wished I had their families. Mine are all avid readers and badasses; especially my mom. There’s not one in the bunch that will tell a white lie. They wouldn’t ever say they liked what I wrote if they truly didn’t, any more than they will admit, not even once, that I am the cutest and smartest person in the family.

After they all read the first few chapters a few measly times, they started cursing at me. I was told quite rudely to not ask them to read another word until I was HALF DONE WITH THE BOOK minimum.  Geez, how was I supposed to know when I was halfway finished with my first book?

My second answer is, “Writing a book is kinda lonely.”

About three quarters of the way done, and ignoring the mean girls I call my family, I started wondering what the hell I thought I was doing. Why did I think I could write a book? Who would want to read about my stupid ideas, anyway? What did I know about writing a sex scene or conversation or action or descriptions?

I was a down, confused, and disheartened baby of a wannabe indie author.

During this sad, sad time, I had given chapters to several other people who wanted to read my book. I never pushed anyone or asked if they had read it yet. I figured they’d get around to it when they did, and human nature being what it is, they’d just feel guilty if they were bugged. I eventually did get some good feedback, (along with furtive, appraising looks from my men friends. Their common question after chapter one was always a version of, “Is this your autobiography?”), but it was ALL good feedback. That meant they all had to be partial and biased, right?

What I needed were some gen-u-ine strangers to read my book. These were the people that could be as ruthless and horribly critical as they wanted, and I needed. They could tear me from limb to limb, should they so desire, and I’d have to grin and bear it, right?

So that’s what I did. Other people gave my book to other people that I had never spoken to in my life. I eagerly awaited any and all strangers to read my book and rip me a new one. And waited, and drumming my fingers, I waited some more.  After a solid fifteen minutes of that, I gave up waiting. Sighing pitifully, I kept busy writing and tweaking. (My book, just so we’re clear). 

Then one sunny day, from a total stranger I’d never met, whose opinion I all ready respected more than the opinions of anyone that knew me since those folks could NOT be trusted to know their own minds, IT HAPPENED!  I got my first, unbiased, official, stranger review on A Date with Fate.

She was kind enough to permit me to post our email exchange here.

**One caveat before you read. If you have not read my book yet, I’d suggest you go read the first chapter sample on Amazon in the book’s “Look Inside” feature or download the sample to your electronic device.  You can follow my link from here by clicking on my book title in the left column. Then click on the cover. Otherwise, prepare to be spoiled …


Dear Tracy

Thank you for letting me read your work.  Your book captured my interest right from the beginning, in spite of the fact that I started it with some pre-conceived notions that were totally wrong.  I heard you really liked zombie books, so throughout the whole first chapter I thought the guy in her house was going to turn out to be a zombie!  At first I thought, oh she is fighting him and he is strong, he is going to eat her or something, then I thought, hmmm, seems like she thinks he is a little sexy, so maybe there is going to be some zombie/human lovin going on (oh my!) and wondered how that was going to go since typical zombies are so ugly and the whole eating your flesh thing…  So at the very end of the chapter, when he kisses her, Bam it hit me, this is NOT a zombie book, ha!  After that, I stopped second guessing what was coming, and settled in for a very entertaining read.  I absolutely love, LOVE the humor!  Your book flows at a nice pace, it is interesting and humorous, and it kept my attention.  I hope this next sentence comes across the way it is intended, and that is, your book reads like a real book.  I felt like I could have been reading a paperback I just picked up at the store, and I usually only buy books if they have good reviews on the cover or if they are on the New York Times best seller list.  I didn’t get the sense that this was a first attempt, or even a rough draft, it read so good.  Many years ago, my boyfriend at the time decided he was going to tap into his creative side and do a little writing.  He gave me his rough draft and it was bad.  Really bad.  (I let him down gently, and he rebounded with a short lived but enthusiastic stint of making tie-dye t-shirts before he moved on to something else.)  So I know bad writing when I see it, and happily your writing falls in the two thumbs up category.

The short version of my review is this:

Lady, you got yourself some talent. 

I am very happy for you that you decided to pursue writing because you seem to have a natural gift.  It was a pleasant surprise and a total relief that it was so good because what on earth was I going to say if it wasn’t?  Luckily for me I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the adventures of Anabel Axelrod (that name! ha, I love it) and can’t wait to find out what comes next.  That’s my shameless attempt to get an advanced copy of the full manuscript, because I really would like to read the entire book. 

Best of wishes to you Tracy, on what I sincerely believe could be the beginning of a successful writing career.

I wait in breathless anticipation for the next installment…

Amy C.

Tracy Responded:

Amy, Amy, Amy....

 I do not know you, but I Iove you more than white cupcakes with buttercream frosting. Not only are you so nice for agreeing to read A Date with Fate, but you took the time to write a review. I would thank you for that, regardless what you said in the review. The lovin' you more than cupcake part is for writing such a good review.

Your letter made me burst into tears, and I NEVER cry except if I am in a rage or watching parades in person. (Those black MIA flags just kill me and make me bawl like a baby.)  Your review also made me laugh, especially the zombie parts--hahaha. Although, knowing me, I just might find a flesh-eating zombie rather sexy, but we'll keep that between us girls.

 I will cherish your review, not only because it is my first from a person who does not know me from a hole in the ground, but also I have been doubting myself. Writing is a solitary pursuit in many ways, so thanks for validating my last few months have not been a complete waste of time.

 Woman, you made my day, my month, my YEAR! Thank you so very much!



It was time. I was excited. My book was almost finished. I was tweaking the hell out of the last couple of chapters. I could now approach the scary females in my family and force them to set aside whatever they were currently devouring (horror, serial killer, paranormal, thriller) and read my wimpy chick lit book. This would be the ultimate test. If my mom and sisters liked it, my life would be complete.  I had even run into a cousin at a wedding party. She reads like me, which is to say she’s inhaled books her entire life. She’s got the badass blood running through her veins, too. I bravely sent her the almost completed book to read, as well.

Their responses were…well, let’s just say THOSE email exchanges will have to wait for another post. I’m spent. Sweet dreams.

Welcome to My Blog!

In honor of my first post, I am offering my eBook as a freebie download on this weekend, Saturday 10/13/12 and Sunday 10/14/12. The biggest challenge for a new, self-published author is getting your book out there and noticed. (After your family and friends buy it--thank you, everyone!)

I'm hoping (begging) for reviews ;}

Wish me luck, and please pass this on to your friends.