A Date with Fate (The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod) eBook/kindle version will be offered for a FREE download on amazon.com this weekend on Saturday 11/24/12 and Sunday 11/25/12. Check it out and tell your friends.
This is in appreciation (pity party) for all the lovely (insane) people out there I relate to…The people happily cooking (slaving) away for families and friends by putting on a great (dammit) Thanksgiving Day and a fabulous (expensive) dinner. For those of us smiling (grinning maniacally) and enjoying (tolerating) the relatives little (monstrous) quirks and foibles (freakishness) because we love them (yes, indeed) and this needs to be thought of (chanted) regularly as a reminder (brainwashing) of our blessings (accursedness) throughout the holidays (time of torment).
May I suggest carving (not literally) out some time for you (yes, you)? Perhaps pour yourself a glass of your favorite beverage, (vodka-tall glass), or maybe a warm cup of your favorite bean, (Irish coffee-tall cup), sit down and relax, (horizontally-in bed), and read my book for free? (If you can’t think of anything better to do while doing all of the above.)
If you do read my book (it will make you laugh) and have an opportunity (hear the knock?), please post a quick (two page) review on Amazon, Goodreads, or here on my blog (as a last resort).
Happy Thanksgiving (seriously), Americans (proud to be)! Let the good times roll (that’s a given)!