Happy New Year 2016

Another January rolls around and I find myself full of vim and vigor, eager to get going on several writing projects that I've had brewing in my head for the last few months.

I won't promise exactly when each of these new books will be available for preorder or release,  but I wanted to share what my 2016 plans look like today.

My new books will include ACADIA'S REVENGE and ACADIA'S APOCALYPSE, books two and three in the Undying Love Series. If you haven't read ACADIA'S LAW: Book One--it's available everywhere eBooks are sold. Most of the people that love the Anabel Axelrod series, and were shy to read a genre a little outside their norm, were happily surprised how much they loved the book. Check out Acadia's reviews and see for yourself. She's a kick ass heroine and it's an interesting, gripping story line. I'm totally in love with the hero, Rod. He's delicious! ;}

I will also be writing Volume VII in The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod ongoing series. It's tentatively titled THE KISS OF KISMET. There's no way I can't write a book centered around Anabel and Luke's wedding, right? My God, the possibilities for crazy fun are endless!

Another book I'm super excited to get started on is ALL JAZZED UP. A stand-alone spin off novel from Anabel's world, this will be Jazy Axelrod's story and hot, Hot, HOT!!!  

Something different and fun, I'm starting a brand new romance serial novel in my occasional newsletter. While I'm not saying what book it will be, I do know the first chapter(s) will be posted in my February edition of Tracy INKlings newsletter, and will be available exclusively for newsletter members to read. Sign up for my newsletter, if you haven't, to receive the serial book in the works. I guarantee you won't want to miss this story!

So, darlings, that's what I'm up to so far in this new year. Until we meet again in my next book, I wish all of you a happy, healthy, and steaming hot 2016!

Tracy Ellen

Your Opinion is Requested!


Happy Birthday, A Date with Fate!


3 years ago today, I self-published A Date with Fate on Amazon.. Thanks to your unswerving support, my most amazing readers, it's six books later--with many more books waiting in my head to be written. Now, over this next weekend,  I'd love input on your choice of a future book title. Your vote automatically enters you for a chance to win some prizes, too!

Please comment in the opinion poll below (follow the link to my Facebook page to vote) for your chance to win "The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod" series book tote AND your choice of an autographed copy of any of my published paperbacks.

*US / CA residents only. Opinion poll open for your vote from Friday, 9/18 through Monday, 9/21/15. A random winner will be announced on my Facebook page on Tuesday, 9/22/15.

For a future stand-alone book featuring Jazy Axelrod, do you prefer the title...

All Jazzed Up


Jazzed to the Max



Family & Fortune Release Day Giveaways

I am so excited to announce Family & Fortune, Volume V in The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod has released today, Thursday, July 2nd! Get your copy everywhere books are sold!

To celebrate,  come to Tracy Ellen's FaceBook page. There will be 4 separate Giveaways throughout the entire day and many chances to win fun prizes!  

Tracy Ellen's FaceBook Page


Girly Girl Giveaway Friday 5/15 - Sunday 5/16/15

Have you heard Family & Fortune is available for preorder now and will be released on 07/02/15? Let's celebrate!!

Reserve your copy at the sale price of $2.99 and then come to my FB page and post "Done". You'll be automatically entered into the random drawing on Monday, 5/18/15 for a chance to win an autographed paperback or a book bag.

Girly Girl Giveaway Link

Hey, Ninjas!

Bel's Book Ninjas should have received an email from me today with their chapters of Family & Fortune to beta read.. (tracy@tracyellenink.com) I look forward to your feedback. Thanks!


Monday Morning Kick Off

Thanks to everybody out there that downloaded a Free eBook copy of Acadia's Law this past weekend.  All day on Saturday and Sunday, Acadia was rated on Amazon at #1 and 2 for the most downloads in Sci-Fi/Post-Apocalyptic genre, and at #6 for Horror!

 It was a most  successful weekend for spreading the word of Acadia's Law. Now I get to hope for some positive reviews. Wish me luck!

Newsletter Contest is Over!

I want to thank everyone for the fun entries contributed to name my newsletter. There were a lot of good ones, so I compliment you all for making it tough on me to choose just one. The contest ended yesterday and the winner of the $50 Amazon Gift Card will be announced in the February Newsletter edition---coming real soon!

It's official, I have a new web site!

Welcome to my new web site. Please browse around and post a comment to say "Hi!", You can sign up by email to follow my blog posts. I have a newsletter now, so don't forget to subscribe before you leave. I plan on adding a lot more fun stuff, so come back and visit me often. 


Tracy Ellen

Friday Fun FB Giveaway WINNER!

Cupcakeimages (34) The winner of my first ever Friday Fun Facebook Giveaway of an autographed paperback of your choice of any of my published books is.....Oh, wait! Did I ever tell you what my second favorite thing I like best about being an author? I am my own boss. Now I get to make  arbitrary decisions like all bosses do. You know, those decisions that make no sense, but the boss tells everyone at a meeting that it's good for the big picture, so quit whining and suck it up?

Mary Ann, Bonnie, Shauna, Barbara, Cheryl, Mary M, Laura, Cyndy, Marian, Kelly, Jeff-Martha, Carol, Kirstie, Pamela, Melissa--COME ON DOWN! All 15 of you are winners!


Email me or PM me with your mailing address. (Please make it easier on me and include your choice of book again in your message. ;} )




Friday Fun Facebook Giveaway today on my page!

Here's how my first ever FFF Giveaway works! Comment on this facebook post today, Friday August 29th, 2014. In your comment, say your choice of my published books you would like for your personal book collection should you win the giveaway. I will throw all the names of the people who comment into a hat and pick a winner. (All that I ask is you promise to give my book a good home and treat it like your own, okay?) Friday Fun Facebook Giveaway is open until 11:59 PM tonight!


I have a big stack of books being sent out tomorrow to the winners of my recent Acadia's Law Blog Tour and Goodreads Giveaway. I will add the autographed paperback choice of today's FFF Giveaway winner to the happy pile and mail it tomorrow, too!

Here is a list of those recent winners from my Blog Tour and Goodreads. <claps in delight at all those states from Florida to Washington> Congrats to them all, and thanks for signing up!

Rachael S in WA, Elizabeth H in FL, Mary B in GA, Kim K in WY, Janan C in IL, Lesa N in KY, and Hyacinth P in CA

(Were you one of those nerdy kids like me growing up that spun a globe, closed your eyes tight, and planted a finger on the spot you were going to visit, live, work, explore, or have exciting adventure at the minute you were 18!? Yeah, pretty damn cool, right?)


Anabel Axelrod PreOrder Available on Nook & iTunes!

Adieu to Destiny, Volume IV in the ongoing series The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod is now available for PreOrder at Barnes & Noble and iTunes Books! (PreOrders made before 11/12/14 guarantee the bonus price!  Are you a Kindle reader? Don't worry! Adieu to Destiny will also be available at Amazon for PreOrder in October!

PREorder  Link to Barnes & Noble

PREorder Link to iTunes





Never PREordered? No problem, it's simple.

At your bookseller site, One-click on the eBook you're PREordering--as you would do if buying. YourPREorder is recorded at the PREorder price offered, but you are not charged for the book yet. The day the eBook is officially released at that bookseller site, you will be charged and the book added to your reading device.






Excitement in Book World!


I thought I'd share a couple pieces of exciting news going on in my world of writing and self-publishing...

First of all, I am giddy as hell because Amazon announced they are now granting self-published authors the opportunity to advertise their upcoming new eBooks for pre-order sales! Pre-orders sales have been a huge--HUGE--edge that published authors have over the self-published authors at Amazon. Leveling that playing field somewhat is fantastic news for us little guys. (Within the past few months, Smashwords offered self-published authors the ability to put their eBooks up for pre-order sales at B&N/Nook and iTunes books. You go, Mark Coker! )

And the second piece of fun news? The fourth book in the ongoing series of The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod is going to soon be up for pre-order sales at Barnes & Noble/Nook and iTunes/books. It will be available on Amazon/Kindle, too, but that will take another month or so.

For Anabel fans, here's a sneak peek of the new book cover. I'll keep you posted when Adieu to Destiny is available for pre-order sales. I am sure Ms. Wheeler-Dealer Axelrod will want to offer a pre-order promotion you simply can't pass up! :}

Front Cover Adieu to Destiny 081714


Stay in touch! Like my Facebook Page!


The WINNER of the Name the Beta Reader Group....



Congratulations, Melissa Weaver!!  Love that name! I have sent you an email to talk prizes. ;}

I will post more about Bel's Book Ninjas and how to sign up to be a BBN beta reader for the fourth book in The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod in a few weeks.

My thanks to everyone for contributing and joining in the fun to name the beta readers--you guys are some kind of creative peeps!

Tracy Ellen