What is a Review Team? A Review Team is typically a group of fans that like a particular author and agree to receive an ARC (Advanced Review Copy) of that author's current book in exchange for writing a review on the day their new book is released for sale. In my case, as a self-published author, your reviews would help me generate immediate interest in my books to attract new readers.
Do you need any special qualifications to be on my Review Team? Well, I think your pretty special no matter what, but all you need is four things.
1. An Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or iTunes account to be able to post a review at one or all of those major bookseller sites. In addition, posting a review and rating on Goodreads is also appreciated, but where the books are sold is the biggie for an author.
2. The ability to read the ARC in a .pdf format on your PC, etc.
3. Be willing to read my book over a two week period (give or take) and post your review on the release date.
4. Live on Earth. (My new Review Team is open to International readers, too!)
What if you hate one of my new books? Simple. Delete the ARC and don't write a review. Obviously, I'm looking for positive reviews from my own Review Team, but I don't expect anybody to write a rave review if they don't feel the love.
How do we get started creating this new Review Team? I have no idea how many, if any, people will respond. To begin, I am limiting the new Review Team to fifty people.
1. Be one of the first fifty people to respond to this post by Sunday night ( 7/13/14) at my Review Team email listed below and you're on the team!
2. I will send you an ARC of Acadia's Law: Book One, Undying Love Series on Monday night (7/15/14).
3. You agree to post your review at Amazon, B&N, or iTunes (or all 3!) by Sunday 7/27/14.
SPECIAL CONTEST ALERT! Along with your email to join the team, please add a super cool suggestion what to name my new Review Team. If I pick your suggestion (first email received, in the case of duplicate name suggestion) you will win an autographed paperback copy of Acadia's Law and some surprise swag (US only) OR a $13 gift card to your choice of Amazon or B&N. (US and International)
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